So there was a Chiropractor who was advertising (if that's what you'd call it) at my Mom's store... you know, "Bad bed giving you back problems?" it makes sense. Anyways, so because of this my mom told me I had to come down and get a free screening with him since I'm always complaining about my back hurting. I thought, why not? So I went and he preformed some little tests with machine dealies, and it actually showed that my back had a lot more heat/strain on the right side then the left... he suggested I come in for a full screening, X-Rays and the whole nine yards. Since he more then cut the price in half, I agreed.
So on Tuesday this week I went and got my X-Rays, and the standard stretching tests, you know: "does this hurt? can you feel this? Does this feel different then this?" Then he said he wanted to wait for the X-Rays to get developed before he could do anything further, so I made an appointment for the next day. On Wednesday, I go in and he takes me into this little room... He has me sit down, and at this point I'm starting to get nervous because of how serious/sullen he is acting. He puts my X-Rays on the screen and says, "you know, I just thought this was going to be a standard screening, and you'd just need a few adjustments, but.... as it turns out.... you actually have Scoliosis." And I tell ya, if I hadn't seen my x-rays I might not believe him... however, I did see them, and they were bad! Scary even! My spine takes a dramatic curve to the right up at the top by my shoulders (where I'm always having pain). He says he doesn't understand how I made it through all of the checks that the schools perform... stupid teachers!
He says that my scoliosis could be the very reason that I have asthma! My spine curves right where the nerves are that control the immune system, AND thats most likely why I have asthma and allergies. Crazy!! Oh, it's also the reason I have such bad TMJ... and for those of you who have ever eaten with me, you know just how bad it is!
Also, turns out that my right leg is 14mm shorter than my left leg.... which could be the very reason my spine starting curving to begin with. On the x-rays for my hips, they totally did not line up, at all. So to correct this problem, I now have to wear a heel lift in my shoe.... which means, I gotta kiss the high heels goodbye for a while. meh :( The funny thing, is that the highest heel lift available is only 7mm ... I guess in the reality of it, 14mm is a HUGE deal when it comes to throwing off alignment of the spine.
SO, that's that... he said it's of course up to me in what I want to do about it... but if I let it go untreated, it is very possible that I will require back surgery when I'm older. *sigh* So to avoid that... I will be going to his treatments, just as soon as I get a job. He told me the best thing, would be to go in THREE TIMES A WEEK... for about 13'ish weeks. Of course, I must admit, after he twisted and cracked and popped me... I felt amazing!! It was like I was coming out of a cocoon! Of course, now today I'm all sore from it... but that was to be expected.
Therefore, for all of you who have heard me complaining about back problems, OR knee problems (because it's quite possibly the reason I have bad knees), now we all know why.
Oh and
This year I am thankful for my health, above all!!
and of course my mom....
and my friends....
and food....
and bjork....